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May, 2017

City of Reno Allocates Funds for Jack Tighe Parking Lot Repairs

Reno City Council adopts budget for next fiscal year

Despite limited revenues, adopted budget focuses on public safety and revitalizing downtown

Post Date:05/17/2017 5:05 PM

    The Reno City Council approved to adopt the $533.9 million budget for Fiscal Year (FY) 2017/18 today. The budget includes tax levies and the adoption of the Fee Schedule.

    The adopted budget includes adding six sworn police positions, responding swiftly to our recent extreme weather by dedicating Public Works funds and working with RTC to repair potholes. It also includes partially funding the Downtown Management Organization, which is an integral part of the newly approved Downtown Action Plan.

    “We have established a fiscally responsible budget that meets the goals set by Council, ReImagine Reno, citizens and the City's strategic plan,” City Manager Sabra Newby said. “I am excited to move forward on the implementation phase and continue to work closely with Council on these important initiatives.”

    Following Council input today and during two earlier Budget Workshops, these items are now included in the FY 17/18 budget:

    • $200,000 toward upgrades of the Jack Tighe Memorial Park parking lot from Room Tax Funds

    • Addition of Building Inspector II for the Motel Inspection Program from the Building Fund

    • Creation of attrition funds of $420,000 in the Reno Police Department to allow for maintaining the authorized full-time level of 323 sworn officers

    Potential sources for funding the above changes are the Building Fund, Police Department salary savings, additional Business License Fees from Medical Marijuana Dispensaries and a parking fee increase from $1.00 to $1.50 per hour.

    The General Fund budget expenditures are set at $183.2 million, an increase of nearly $5 million compared to the FY 16/17 adopted figure of $178.8 million. The primary sources of General Fund revenues are from Consolidated Tax ($62 million; 35% of General Fund) and Property Taxes ($48 million; 27%). The City is projecting that Consolidated Tax revenues will increase 4% in FY 17/18.

    Public safety expenditures are projected to be: Police Department: $64 million (35% of expenditures); Fire Department: $47 million (26%); and Public Safety Dispatch: $6 million (4%). View the Staff Presentation or refer to the “Budget Highlights” document for more information.

    Council also approved rates for Downtown Special Assessment Districts today.

    The formal budget adoption comes after two Budget Workshops held earlier this month. The budget will be sent to the Nevada Department of Taxation for review no later than June 1, 2017.

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    Reno Continental Little League
    P.O. Box 19231 
    Reno, Nevada 89511

    Phone: 555-555-5555
    Email: [email protected]

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